Today we had a Muslim couple from Houston in the United States on Skype. They talked about how they’re life as a Muslim is in this country.
Haroon is Pakistani and had moved to US for studies a few years back. Now he’s graduated but says it’s hard to move out so I’m staying for work. He then married a new Muslim convert, Maria from Mexico and live in Houston.
He said that living in the US as a Muslim is not that bad and even different sect (Sunni and Shia) live well side by side. He even said that due to high population of Muslim some hospitals have praying room and even some of them hold Jama’at prayers during noon.
Wearing a T-shirt with Palestine written on it, he said that media here tries to fool people and they are heavily influenced by it.
He said although I am Muslim and there are limitations to what I do and where I go, but people respect my believes if I stand firm on them.
We had a short talk with his wife too. She’s originally Mexican, but after years of meeting and living with Muslims, she has converted to Islam.
She said then I found the religion is very cheerful but people usually see the sad and angry face of the Muslims because they are under too much sorrow and injustice.
She said that Imam Hussein and Ashura had a signifacnt role in her conversion and she’s getting ready for the 12th Imam.
Peace Sprit Foundation holds regular meetings with people from different nations to understand different cultures and worldviews better.