Peace Sprit Foundation held opening ceremony of its third program of training interns on Thursday, Nov. 30.
The session started with speech of PSF Vice President Rahim Roozitalab on the organization and its aims. Mr. Roozitalab also talked about the activities and responsibilities the trainees would have in the NGO. He also briefly spoke about the necessity of making connections with similar institutions and organizations all over the world.
Mr. Hamid Reza Gholamzadeh, President of Peace Sprit Foundation, also addressed the meeting on history of the organization, its approaches, its policies and the aims it follows. He underlined that Peace Sprit Foundation is focused on peace-building, negotiation and mutual understanding and respect between nations.
The projects of the Foundation, their process and their aims were the subjects of brief speech by Mrs. Khatami, Project Manager of the organization.
The last part of the meeting was dedicated to introduction of trainees and PSF staff.
Peace Sprit Foundation has already held two programs of internship for the ones who were qualified and interested in the field.