Recognizing the rights of a nation to own its own territory and to live in it, is among the most basic rights anyone familiar with international law could approve.
It is now more than 70 years that this absolute right of Palestinians has been violated by Zionist regime, who has based its fake government on homes and lands of this occupied territory.
The world witnesses the cruel act yet remains silent and indolent.
After weeks of conflict and killing, Israeli forces slaughtered dozens of Palestinians and injured hundreds on Monday, in coincidence with inauguration of US embassy in Jerusalem al-Quds, including innocent children.
Peace Sprit Foundation, as an international NGO who fights inequity and backs suppressed people all over the world, condemns the massacre of Palestinian people by Israeli regime and the illegal occupation of their lands. The Foundation urges all international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, to act seriously and promptly against this carnage and end the violence.