The opening ceremony started with welcoming new interns who then briefly introduced themselves. A brief history and introduction of the NGO and its members was also presented which was followed by a video clip on the organization and its activities, which revolves around public diplomacy and peace building including getting in touch with similar NGOs, CSOs and organizations around the world, organizing workshops and sessions on different nations and cultures, internship courses and so on.
PSF Secretary General Mr. Hamid Reza Gholamzadeh addressed the meeting on history of the organization, its approaches, its policies and the aims it follows. “Public diplomacy for peace could be a proper definition for Peace Sprit Foundation as the audience of PSF are the nations and publics in target countries,” he said, adding “we are looking for introducing nations to nations; we believe this knowledge and connection would help establish more and better understanding between nations and would result in establishing and maintaining peace.” He then talked about the activities of PSF and its aims.
The event concluded by granting certificates to former interns of the foundation who have participated in former internship courses from June 2017 to March 2018.